Dr. Nicole Ruysschaert
Dr. Nicole Ruysschaert M.D. is psychiatrist-psychotherapist and Past – President of the ESH – European Society of Hypnosis.
Dr. Nicole Ruysschaert served ISH Board of Directors 2015 – 2018 She is currently a committee member of ISH.
After her medical degree at the university of Ghent, she started specialisation in psychiatry. As a psychiatrist she worked in different mental health centres and in a private practice, and took further training in CBT, hypnosis, EMDR and coaching.
She currently works fulltime in her private practice in Antwerp (Belgium). She is trainer and supervisor in (Ericksonian) hypnosis, solution-focused therapy and in psycho-traumatology. She lectures and gives workshops and training basic and advanced in hypnosis, in hypnotic communication in medical practices and hospitals.
She joined VHYP – the Flemish society of Hypnosis – BoD since her training in hypnosis in the 1983 and is still active BoD member. She is past president of ESH and VHYP.
In her private practice she offers individual therapy with integration of CBT, Hypnosis, solution-focused approaches and EMDR for a variety of problems.
She is particularly interested in hypnosis in psychotherapy, in PTSD, dissociative disorders, stress, burnout, performance enhancement, functional disorders, pain control, resilience and happiness. She published some papers on hypnosis for burnout, stress control, happiness. She wrote a basic handbook on hypnosis; “Klinische Hypnose. Integratie en Exploratie. 2022 Satas.
She has lectured and has given workshops in many international hypnosis congresses and was invited to give workshops and training in many hypnosis societies and psychotherapy societies, in Belgium, in different European countries, Turkey, Canada, China, Iran, USA and Australia and all over the world in Dutch, English, French and German.
W071: Ideo-Motorische Handbewegungen für neue Perspective
Klassische und neue Methoden wo die Hände hypnotische Induktionen und Vertiefung begleiten. Mit Bewegungen werden Türe nach innere Ressourcen geöffnet. Langsame Bewegungen begleiten innere Prozesse und Perspektiv Veränderungen und sind hilfreich um Probleme besser zu bearbeiten, mehr Gleichgewicht zu finden zwischen Probleme und Ressourcen. Die innere Verarbeitung ist ganz bequem. Ebenso bringen diese Übungen Erleichterung für verschiedene schmerzhafte Emotionen. Sie werden vertraut mit Spiegelhände, Ideomotorische und ideo-sensorische Prozessen. Mit Trance-Tanz Bewegungen am Ende Genießen Teilnehmer eine fröhliche Erfahrung.
1. Die Kraft idiomotorische Prozesse entdecken und erleben.
2. Neuen Wegen zum Problemlösung finden in psychotherapeutische und medizinische Praxis.
3. Innere Prozesse umschalten nach Bewegungen für mehr Gleichgewicht
4. Schmerzhafte Emotionen verarbeiten
5. Mehr Gleichgewicht im Alltagsleben erreichen